Minister's Report 2017
Minister's Report 2017
Maghull AGM 2017
Philippians chapter 4 verses 4-9
We are a small congregation of thirty plus regular attenders of mainly older people…
So begins the report we sent to the Pastoral Committee of Synod last year, which is perhaps not the most promising introduction that Committee received, nor one that most readily forms the opening remarks for an annual report. However, it does form the bass line with which to begin a summary of the life of this congregation over the past year. The report went on to list four suggestions that had come out of the responses and discussion of the Local Mission and Ministry Questionnaire the whole congregation were invited to take part in.
The first was for all members of the congregation to be actively engaged in taking responsibility for the life of the Church. This is an ongoing need that will increase in time and one which continues to be a challenge. As a congregation we are well served by our Elders and Managers and by friends of the congregation who willingly give of their time to ensure the premises are fit for purpose and our worship is honouring to God and we give thanks for all they do. Yet if this could be shared it would not only lessen the burthen but also act to strengthen the sense of fellowship that already exists amongst God’s people.
The second suggestion was to do with our outreach to the community in which we are set and the links we have with those who use our premises. Here we can record a positive outcome with the very successful afternoon tea to celebrate the Queen’s 90th birthday which saw many of our neighbours join with us on the Saturday afternoon and latter in the year the setting up by Jenny Howe of the Dragon Club which meets on the second Thursday of each month has brought together members of the congregation and people from the immediate locality and is much appreciated by all those who attend. We have also tried to foster links with the organisations using the halls by inviting them to contribute to the Harvest Thanksgiving and were pleased with those who were able to respond with various items. We may also remind ourselves of the success of the Baby and Toddler Group that meets in the Scout Hut every Friday as part of our efforts to serve the needs of the community. These links build on those already existing through the Save the Children Concert etc and let us make every effort to ensure they continue and flourish to the benefit of all.
The third suggestion we approved of was setting up a church’s website and is one we have been able to accomplish with the help of the Synod’s Communication’s Officer Andy Jeens and are grateful to Brenda Tinniswood for taking on the role of web master. Please let Brenda have any information or photographs that she could upload onto the page. If you have not had a look at the website it can be found at It is informative and is a further attempt to tell others who we are and invite them to join us.
The fourth idea included in the report to Synod was our looking into the possibility of re-ordering the rear of the church to create a lounge area. Whilst we have had to scale back initial ideas for new kitchen and toilet facilities due to the cost of what would involve major work we have been able to increase the area we can use at the rear of the church and had our two vestibules cleared and re-decorated and these changes have been welcomed and made use of as proved by our being able to meet here today.
During the year we were able to give the opportunity to the large number of friends of Muriel Lewis to come together for a Memorial Service led by Rev Lys Carrol. We have also gathered to give thanks for the lives of Mary Hill, Jean MacAdam and Ian Kelty whose passing we have mourned as we have entrusted them to the eternal care of God our Father. Betty Baxter moved away for the area to be nearer her son and we wished her well though we were sorry to see her go.
As we remember the past year and look forward to the coming days we do well to follow the advice of the Apostle Paul in our earlier reading:
whatever is honourable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Good advice then and to our small congregation of mainly older people as we too think on the things God has fulfilled and promised if we but remain faithful to Him who has called us.