Anne's Poetry

15/05/2020 16:03

    The “unexpected King.”


Up the road I thought I saw,

  From the car, as I flashed past,

    On grass, a lama and a lamb -

   Perhaps from plaster cast,


But later found out, walking by,

  What really I’d seen there

    Was a reindeer, striding out,

  And a polar bear!


Long ago there was a Child

  In the hay, as now we sing,

    Lying in a manger poor -

  Born to be our King.


Anne Byron



Driftwood, not from the sea

  but from a tree.

Ancient, layer upon layer

  but ‘outer’ and dead.

Gnarled and creviced

  as a limestone pavement.

Gorged and peaked

  as Dolomite mountain

Found on the ground

  adrift from its source

    - and life-giving sap.


Are we like that -

  out of contact?

Not receiving

  sap of the Spirit?

Dry from drawing on

  our own strength

Instead of the Lord’s,

  our source of Life?

Impressive to look at

  though dead inside

    - without His ‘sight’?


But we have a Way

  back to our God

Who waits to receive,

  revive and redeem.

Whilst the flesh will die,

  our spirits will live

In bodies like His -

  our Saviour and Lord -

And we will praise Him,

  beyond the grave,

    - for eternity!


Anne Byron

“Walking the park”
The nine o'clock siren sounded,

Cutting through the moist air

On a damp Monday morning

As I “walked the park”.

Muffled motorway noises

Backdropped crows’ cawing

As I kicked through leaves

That had lost their crispness.

A light breeze ruffled branches

Still persisting in greenery

Though, deserted by sun,

Some shivered yellow.

And a piece of bark told

Of a time when, connected,

It lived, protecting

Its life-line sap.

In a changing season I sighed

Against the coming cold -

Yet, attached to my Living Lord,

Knew I’d survive!                        


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“Take flight”


Mrs. Blackbird stood in my pathway -

On the grass, under the trees -

Silent, stunned was she,

Still as a stone,

Immobile, on my route,

Yet rooted to the spot

As if paralysed,

Face vacant, spaced out,

Not a flicker of eyes

But staring ahead

Unaware of my presence

Though I passed within inches.


She was still there

Half an hour later.

As I returned

I saw her silhouette,

Stark, dark against the green.

Did I imagine it

Or did the eyes move

As I approached?

But nothing happened

And, as I left, I prayed

She’d fly away

And next day

….the bird had flown…!


I’ve been like that - have you? -

Paralysed by fear,

Not knowing which way to turn,

What decision to make,

Staring at the problem

Rather than fix my eyes

On the Lord to pray

And, with the Spirit’s help,

                    Fly away!


(Today I saw a bird fly

From the same place

Into a tree.

I wonder…

Was it “she”?!)


 Early Easter Morning  (4.04.21)

 Frost on the garden - the cold tomb was empty.
 The sun isn't round - the Son isn't there.
 But the sun has risen for a glorious day:
 The Lord is risen - has provided the Way.
 When skies are grey, the sun is still there:
 When life is hard, we're in His care.

                                                         Anne Byron


         The Carpenter

The carpenter put down his tools.,

As was the custom, his apron, folded,

Was laid on his work -

Finished at last!


The head-cloth folded on stone.

Sin was defeated, forgiveness available.

His work was accomplished -

Job done at last!


Then Jesus Resurrected!

Death overcome, barrier down,

Now with His Father,

Will return at the last!


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New Growth

A group of seven trees

Stand serene in the park,

Six, still tall and strong,

One, an ivy-covered stump

Is striving to produce a shoot,

To prove there is new growth.


Easter to Easter in lockdown,

They’ve bathed in Spring sunshine,

Been punished by prevailing winds,

Had branches broken by storms,

Then further pruned by professionals

Which would encourage new growth.


Once ankle-deep in water,

They looked a sorry sight,

But now, reviving in Spring,

Last year’s brown leaves forgotten,

They look forward to the green,

To begin to show new growth.


And we, a year on, remember

The singing from birds on branches,

The hurt from absence of hugging,

The cost of Covid loss,

The imposing of isolation

To ensure we’d have new growth.


Can we too revive this Easter? -

Draw sustenance from roots of faith,

Stand strong in Christ our Lord,

Who died His seeds to sow

And lived that we might live,

Put past behind - and grow!

                                               Anne Byron  24.03.21



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  Lent Study: Mark1:9-15

Baptism: Blessed Assurance


Trusting to John’s strong arms,

Plunged, head back, breath taken, under water

For long seconds: then lifted to light,

To see the sky, the heavens torn

And a dove-like Holy Spirit come down,

Whilst, from above, the voice of God,

His Father, and ours, assures His Son,

His only begotten Son, He’s pleased with Him,

He loves His Son, is present in Him,

Son of God, Son of Man,




Image result for free clipart Snow road. Size: 129 x 102. Source:


   First snows and Hope (28.12.20)


First snows this morning, though mainly frost,

  But the squirrel still scuttled up the tree

    Onto the roof of the shed and away.

    Brought out by the sun? But not here to stay!


Christmas Day done but lights still ablaze.

  One excitement over, another to come

    As shoppers gear up for New Year’s Eve,

    Before, from 2020, we take our leave.


So now’s the time that we, looking back

  And remembering this year (will we ever forget!),

    A year of sadness, a year of frustration,

    A year of grieving and consternation,


That we are still wishing for things we can’t do,

  For people not seen before the ‘curfew’?

    Still we are waiting for vaccines so new

    And hope against hope that we’ll all pull through?


But our hope in our Lord is secure and certain!

  Christmas Day gone, but He, ever with us,

    Will guide us and keep us in His loving care

    Till we go to meet Him, our burdens He’ll bear.

                                 (… if we let Him!)


Snows have arrived but summer will come:

  Spring will bring hope as life will renew.

    The sun will replace the darkness we see:

    God’s Son will redeem us with Life full and free.

                                  (… if we ask Him).




No place to be born as we know it;

No dainty nativity scene;

No gas and air when it’s painful;

No linen sheets to keep clean.


But a child was born in a manger;

And angels sang from above;

While Shepherds came in from the fields

To see our gracious God’s love.


Know Christmas is here, despite Covid;

Know the Light will overcome dark;

Know peace, hope and joy in His Presence:

Know Jesus is born in your heart.Nativity


No place to be born as we know it;

No dainty nativity scene;

No gas and air when it’s painful;

No linen sheets to keep clean.


But a child was born in a manger;

And angels sang from above;

While Shepherds came in from the fields

To see our gracious God’s love.


Know Christmas is here, despite Covid;

Know the Light will overcome dark;

Know peace, hope and joy in His Presence:

Know Jesus is born in your heart.

Anne Byron




Leaves floating down from the trees,

Seagulls’ cries scream through the breeze,

        And it’s Harvest again!


Soggy ground under wet grass,

Footprints, damp smell in underpass,

        But it’s Harvest again.


Vibrant colours: churches decorate,

God’s provision commemorate,

       For it’s Harvest again.


Thankfulness, joy in hearts around,

But from forbidden lips no singing sound

        Though it’s Harvest again.


And some have little food in store,

On some their work has shut the door.

        Still, it’s Harvest again.


So we must share God’s goodness now,

Bring our gifts and work out how

        To show it’s Harvest again,


To gain a harvest of righteousness

And, with our gifts, souls to bless -

        Praise God, it’s Harvest again!



Anne Byron 14.10.20



  ‘Eye of the storm’


Plodding pavements on a quiet September morning

‘Bubbles’ of children ‘staggering’ their walks to school -

As frost on grass sparkles in colourless sunshine

With no stir of air disturbing the washing on line.


An Indian summer surprises, after wet August’s pouring,

Betrays no breeze after blustery chill wind’s blowing

But the eye of the pandemic storm soon will be going

As lack of social distancing the way ahead is showing.


For now, we’ll praise the Lord for what we can do

While the sun is shining, to help the Son shine through,

And despite the weather and Covid’s breaking, we’ll ‘stand’

To lay up treasure as we make for the Promised Land.   ( extra stress is on ‘we’)


(As you can I use beats to the line rather than strict rhythm - probably

Influence of doing Hopkins for A levels! ps not suggesting any comparison!!)





“Life’s unfair,” they often say.

  “You’re on your own!”

    You’re all alone?

But I’ve not been on my own, I know,      (Matt28:20)

      Since Jesus has been in my ‘bubble’.


“Look after Number One!” They say.

  “Life’s all trouble!”

    We’re all rubble?

 But Someone is here to guide me through   (John16:13)

      As the Spirit’s in my ‘bubble’.


“Growing old is hard,” they say.

   “It’s such a muddle!”

    God’s burning stubble.                         

Once starting the job, He’ll see it through  (Phil1:6)

       For Jesus is in my ‘bubble’.


“Covid’s never-ending,” they say.

   “It won’t go away!”

     Fear here to stay?

But I know I’m safe, as my Father planned,

       For now I’m in His ‘bubble’.                    (John3:16)


“I am the Way, the Truth and the Life!”   (John14:6-7)

   Hear Jesus say.

   Know Him today:                                

Repent! He’ll take your sin away.         

    And you’ll be in His ‘bubble’!              (Acts4:12)


                                      Anne Byron


After hearing the expression ‘Jesus is in my bubble’ on

Premier Christian Radio.


Read with 4,2,2,4,3 beats/stresses to the line.



The Willow








































































... After



  “Sufficient unto the day…”   (Matt6:34)

or “God’s Umbrella”

  Today it rained, as forecast:

‘Heavy by ten,’ it said.

So, attired in Mack and boots -

Over head a sturdy umbrella,

The sort that weathers the storm -

I strode down the wet pavement

And walked the narrow park path -

Ignoring the exercise machines!

The rain pelted on patterned nylon

To no avail, for I was dry,

But it set me thinking…

  My vision was limited

By umbrella’s brim -

Revealing just enough

To see the way ahead,

As it came into view,

To keep on walking -

Like -

Taking one day at a time

In life’s journey:

‘Grace for the day’,

Depending on the Lord

For protection and strength

To shelter us from storms,

The troubles of life

That press and threaten

To wear us down

As does persistent rain.


We travel in His care,

Know -

He’ll bring us through,

Find a way out,               (1Cor10:13)          


We trust in Him,

Go one day at a time,

As gradually He reveals

The way ahead; so we

Can keep on walking

In His Light -                     (Ps119:105)

Under His umbrella!

Anne Byron 21.7.20







