World day of Prayer
Friday 7th March, 2.00pm
at Maghull Baptist Church.
Service prepared by Christian women
in the Cook Islands.
Jigsaw Club
Tuesday - 10.00 - 12.00pm
Running alongside Welcome Space, you are welcome to come along and borrow any of our extensive range of jigsaws.
Dragon Club - 13th and 27th February
Weekly Activities
* Playgroup, 10.00am - 12.00pm, Fridays, begins 6th September
* Warm Space, 10.00am - 12.00pm - Tuesdays
* Sunday Worship - 11.00am
Church Charities
It was agreed at the recent AGM that during 2024 we would support the charities 'Embrace the Middle East' and Woodlands Hospice. Further information on the work of these charities can be found at:
Christian aid Week
11 - 17 May 2025
If you would like to help with Christian Aid, please contact Jennie Howe.
Playgroup resumes 6th September
Friday 10am - 12pm in the Scout Hall. All preschool children welcome. Contact Jennie on 0151 531 7084 to secure a place.